AQTIS Monthly Development Update #3: Rewards Distribution & Front-End Development

October 28th — November 30th, 2023

3 min readNov 30, 2023

GM Aqtivators! 🫡
Can devs do something? You bet. 🫵

November has been a very productive month for the dev team, we’ve been busy developing and testing the back-end and adding a lot of functionality to the front-end.

Hope you’re all as excited as we are for the upcoming months, the team can’t wait to unravel more of what we’ve been building as we approach our first major release in Q1.

Let’s have a look at what we’ve been working on.

⚙️ Back-end

  1. Testing Deployment
    We’re actively testing the deployment of our Smart Contracts on the Ethereum test network. This is a critical step in ensuring everything will run smoothly.
  2. Whitelisting Addresses for Beta Testing
    Currently, we’re implementing a feature for whitelisting addresses in LSD contracts. This is to allow AQTIS team members to begin testing and bug-bashing in a secure environment.
  3. Distribute Rewards Mechanism
    The ‘Distribute Rewards’ feature is in the works. We’re fine-tuning the mechanism to ensure a seamless experience once it goes live.
  4. New Features in Local Test Scripts
    We’ve expanded our test scripts to include exciting new features:
  • Auto Distribution Rewards
    Building Smart Contracts for automated distribution of rewards. This means your yield will automatically be sent to you.
  • Auto Compounding
    Facilitating the reinvestment of earnings for compounding interest.
  • Compose strategies
    Building the Smart Contract that facilitates buying LSDs based on the chosen strategy by the end-user.

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💻 Front-end/dApp

  1. Integration of Playwright
    We’re planning to integrate Playwright into our decentralized application (dApp) mock. This will enable automated end-to-end testing of the User Interface, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  2. Smart Contract Integration
    We’ve successfully integrated the smart contract for buying LSD tokens. We’re testing these integrations in a controlled development environment. This means no live user interaction yet, but we’re making sure everything works perfectly on our end first.
  3. Rewards Visibility
    We’ve also made progress on displaying rewards. While it’s still in the dev environment, the functionality looks promising and meets our expectations for an easy-to-use, intuitive user experience.
  4. Live Gas Fees Retrieval
    Implementation of a feature to retrieve live gas fees, for displaying estimated transaction costs, is done and tested in a local environment.
  5. Live USD Price Feed Data
    We’ve added a feature that retrieves live data for the USD price feed. This will be used for displaying key metrics like rewards, transaction costs, and the total value locked in our LSDs.
  6. Error Handlers in Contract Interaction
    Adding robust error handling mechanisms for functionalities that interact with the contracts on client-side, enhancing reliability and user trust.

🍔 What’s on the menu for December?

  1. Reward Distribution
    Further developing and testing the smart contracts for the Reward Distribution. Users will be able to choose whether to auto-compound their yield or auto-send their yield to an address on a daily basis.
  2. Integration
    The team will be heavily focused on integrating the smart contracts on the back-end with the User Interface.
  3. Testing
    Testing, testing, testing!

Hope you enjoyed the update and we’re looking forward to ending this fruitful year with all of you! We just want to say that we truly appreciate everyone’s involvement and shared excitement for what’s to come in 2024. We have many things planned and many more post-launch ideas are brewing, the Q1 LSD launch is just the start on our way to set an example and to lead the DeFi industry to the next level.

Stay tuned and LFG 😎

More questions?

As always, we’re happy to answer all your questions and suggestions and would love to hear your feedback, do let us know your thoughts in our Discord.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned for much more coming up and we’ll catch you in the next update.




Written by AQTIS

Smart liquidity protocol, powered by Quant-Tech, driven by AI. Making life easier for our community by building a sustainable #realyield ecosystem.

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